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A Sense of Security, Connection, and Belonging...


Pearl has provided me and my children with a sense of security, connection, and belonging, due to the connections we've made in the mentoring and Focus Pearl programs.


My youngest has an amazing mentor who spends time every week with him. They read, study, talk, play games, and encourage his faith walk, helping him achieve his goals and celebrating his successes. He never feels judged or inadequate, only loved on his worst days and proud on his best days. We are so grateful for his mentor and all the time he invests in my son, helping him to understand that he truly matters!


My daughter has grown so much through the mentorship and Bible study every Wednesday night. She looks forward to this time each week. The friends and connections she has made have enriched her life beyond measure. Not to mention how spoiled she feels with the small gifts she has received: acts of kindness she witnesses, and the experiences. The love that is poured over her has given her a sense of belonging and a level of confidence in who she is as a person, helping her to develop a personal relationship with Christ and to know that she is beautifully and wonderfully made.


I am so grateful for the people who have become my chosen family because of Pearl. This organization and program have given me the opportunity to shift my focus from survival mode to looking at what the future holds for my family and me, working towards thriving and success through encouragement and hard work. It has instilled a new passion and drive in me to advocate for other single moms and children and to provide information and resources for them to improve their lives. Pearl has shown me that being a single mom does not mean I am alone in my parenting journey.


We are so grateful to Pearl and all those who volunteer and support the organization! 'Thank you' does not begin to express our gratitude."



Focus Pearl Mom

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